Snapchat Launches New Ad Campaign To Promote Connection

As it looks to put more focus on growth in its top revenue markets, Snapchat’s launching another promotional campaign, designed to promote togetherness and community in the app.

Snapchat’s latest “Less Likes. More Love” promotion is a continuation of its “Less Social Media. More Snapchat” push, which it launched back in February, as part of its broader effort to showcase the connective role that Snap plays in bringing people together.

The key emphasis of the promotion is that Snapchat isn’t about broadcasting your life to strangers, but is more focused on connecting with friends, and maintaining relationships with your closest buddies.

As per Snap:

While we may look like social media to some, Snapchatters know we’re not. The experience of getting a Snap is different from getting a text or seeing a social post. Every new Snap connects you with a friend, where you can have fun and be wow-ed by each other’s creativity.”

Which this new video underlines, via surreal means, and it does seem like an effective way to showcase the more enclosed community feel of the app, where you can share your less guarded, more playful moments.

As noted, Snapchat’s making a bigger push to generate more attention, particularly in the North American market, in order to maximize its revenue opportunities. Snap’s maintained steady growth overall, and is now up to 422 million daily active users. But a lot of that growth, in recent times, has come from emerging markets, with India in particular seeing a big boost in Snap uptake.

But Snap’s now putting more focus on building its U.S. and E.U. audiences, where it’s able to generate more ad revenue.

It’s hard to say how impactful that will be, as you would assume that most of Snap’s target audience in these regions would be well aware of the app by now, but this is a good-looking promo, which could spark more interest, and get more people engaging in the app.

And definitely, Snap’s efforts thus far have yielded results. In Q1, Snap posted a 21% year-over-year revenue increase.

Maybe, then, promotions like this are significantly effective.

Snap says the new promos will run online and on TV in the U.S. and U.K.

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