Meta Shares Lead Gen Ad Tips

Meta has provided some new tips for marketers who are looking to run lead generation ad campaigns across its apps, which could provide some more guidance for your Lead Gen ads approach.

And while some of these pointers are likely familiar to most experienced marketers, Meta does make some function-specific notes which could be particularly beneficial in your strategy,

First off, Meta says that brands should take advantage of seasonal trends.

As per Meta:

New Year’s resolutions, spring cleaning, and summer vacation are all prime moments when potential customers will be more likely to be interested in your services. Last spring, between April and June there was 19% year on year growth in Meta lead ad submissions. Take advantage of these peak seasons to find new customers to grow your business.”

So while the general advice here is pretty basic, the specifics are important, and they could help you better time your lead gen ad placements.

Meta also says that marketers should look to make it easy as possible for viewers to submit their info via “Instant Forms.”

“[Instant Forms] eliminate friction for your potential leads that don’t require your customer to click offsite – like auto-filling user info, quick loading on mobile. According to Capacity Interactive Consultant, Aly Gomez, clients are finding instant form leads to be stickier than the leads generated from their website and recommends focusing on making the form as short as possible, only requesting the name and email address from a user to make it very easy for a lead to sign up.”

Essentially, streamlining the process makes it much more likely that users will provide you with their info, and as such, reducing friction, in all forms, is key.

Meta also says that brands should look to use its latest A.I. tools for their campaign targeting, with ad sets using its Advantage+ audience with instant forms seeing an 8% reduction in cost-per-lead, on average.

On this front, Meta also notes that Conditional Logic,” as well as its Conversions API for CRM. integration, can further help to refine and improve lead gen ads performance.

When you create an instant form for your lead ad, you can use conditional logic to create a dynamic form. This dynamic form changes what question or landing page a person sees next, based on their answer in real time. Conditional logic can help you collect the information that is most important to you, filter out leads that don’t meet your criteria and direct different categories of leads to specific landing pages to encourage conversions.

Meta’s Conversions API for CRM meanwhile creates a connection between your lead data and Meta Business Suite, which can help to refine and improve your ad targeting.

These are some handy pointers, which will help to improve your Lead Gen ads approach. And with the capacity to gather info from Facebook and IG, which you can then download and use in other context, it could be a good option for building your contact database, and segmenting your audience into more specific buckets.

You can check out Meta’s full overview and tips here.

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